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Posts tagged “Mama

Avril Revealed…In A Not So Good Way

Yesterday evening, my sister came home claiming that there’s a Kenyan musician by the name of Avril who has had nude pictures of her released on facebook (see a sample here).

UPDATE: All 3 pics are available here. And according to Pulse, Avril says she was set up…whatever that means…

Of course I was kinda skeptical…until I saw them. My goodness. I can’t even imagine what I would do in such a situation. But I do know that my mother would kill me slowly herself. To make matters worse or better (depending on how you look at it) she’s being groped by what seems to be another woman. The jury is still out on that though. We had a heated discussion with my mum on the gender of that…person. As if that’s not enough, one of the pics is an aerial shot of her butt and she’s wearing granny panties!!! (more…)