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Posts tagged “WTF!!!

Atlanta Nail Parlour Charging Fat People More

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, something comes up to make you wonder whether there is a scientific anomaly where people are born without brains. A 40 year old Atlanta woman, Michelle Fonville, recently faced a discriminatory price increase at a nail salon in Atlanta. If you’ve lived in the US then you know that most nail parlours are owned by Koreans. This particular one, called Natural Nails is managed by a lady called Kim Tan. Natural Nails claims they were worried that their expensive massage chairs might break, so they charged Michelle an additional five dollars because she is overweight.

Michelle Fonville, 40, said that she was “humiliated” when she discovered she had been overcharged because of her weight and left the salon in tears: (more…)

MJ's Illegitimate Love Child Wants That Money

This is some of the most ridiculous shit ever. Some woman from the Netherlands claims she is MJ’s daughter, by Diana Ross’ sister, and….wait for it…Katherine Jackson arranged for her kidnapping and murdered all her kidnappers…. Okay…Mathare case anyone?

A woman who claims to be Michael Jackson’s illegitimate love child — conceived when MJ was a minor — has filed legal documents claiming there was a diabolical plot to cover up her existence … involving murder, abduction and Diana Ross’ sister. (more…)

Lacefronts for babies!!!



What in holy hell is this??? Why would you do this to your precious baby girl? Someone call Childrens Services! Babies do grow hair eventually…that is if you give it space to. The poor girl won’t even be able to play with other kids coz they’ll constantly want to pull on that thing!!! EPIC FAIL to the parents for this ghetto fabulous trash.

Cancer Scientist/Prostitute Reveals Self



Brooke Magnanti is a cancer specialist who was blogging anonymously at Belle de Jour. So this crazy bish decides to reveal herself…yeah WTF!!! You’ve gotten away with staying anonymous, so why reveal yourself now? If not for you then for your children. Think about the kids goddamn it! That’s assuming she has or will have kids by the way.

An erotic blogger whose double life as a prostitute became a hit TV series has ended years of fevered speculation by revealing her most intimate secret — her true identity. Brooke Magnanti, a cancer specialist at a university in western England, unmasked herself in a British newspaper as the woman behind “Belle de Jour,” the salacious online diary of a high class call girl.

“It feels so much better on this side. Not to have to tell lies, hide things from the people I care about,” the 34-year-old wrote on her blog after the Sunday Times published its interview with her.Magnanti’s frank and sometimes funny accounts of working as a call girl earned her a huge following, a lucrative book deal and legions of critics who variously accused her of glamorizing the sex industry, making it up — and of being a man. The 34-year-old said she became a call girl in 2003 to support herself in London while completing her doctoral thesis after realizing she had no qualms about being paid for sex. She contacted an agency, working as a prostitute until late 2004, describing it as “so much more enjoyable” than an earlier job as a computer programmer. Barry Taylor, director of communication and marketing at the University of Bristol said the revelations would not affect her employment.

“This aspect of Dr Magnanti’s past is not relevant to her current role at the university,” he said. While Magnanti’s admission, and indeed her years of blogging, contained many eyebrow-raising insights, according to her final blog entry most people were more interested in distinctly unsexy details.

“Also, so much curiosity about my tax situation! Yes, I did pay taxes on sex work earnings,” she wrote. CNN


She even gets to keep her job!!! My employer would never ever ever be that understanding. F my employer, my mum would murder me in cold blood with a machete!!!